In 3 lingue (Espanol+Italiano+English)
The artist Sidney Robert Nolan was born in Australia, Melbourne, in 1917 and trained at the National Gallery School in Melbourne before moving to London. He was one of the founders of the Contemporary art society (1938) and one of the first Australian art exponents known on the international scene (awarded, among other things, at the Venice Biennale in 1954).
His painting presents strong surreal suggestions and naive accents, but has attracted our attention because of the subjects he loved to represent, not only landscapes, but especially myths of his native land.
In this art puzzle, leaving aside the famous series Leda and the Swan (1958/1960 paintings exhibited both at the Art Gallery of Western Australia in Perth, and in Edinburgh at the Scottish national Gallery of Modern Art), we have collected some of his paintings of worldwide success dedicated to Ned Kelly, the heroic Australian Robin Hood (1946, in Melbourne, Reed coll.).
El artista Sidney Robert Nolan nació en Australia, Melbourne, en 1917 y se formó en la National Gallery School de Melbourne antes de trasladarse a Londres. Fue uno de los fundadores de la Sociedad de Arte Contemporáneo (1938) y uno de los primeros exponentes del arte australiano conocido en la escena internacional (premiado, entre otras cosas, en la Bienal de Venecia de 1954).
Su pintura presenta fuertes sugerencias surrealistas y acentos ingenuos, pero ha atraído nuestra atención por los temas que le gustaba representar, no sólo paisajes, sino sobre todo mitos de su tierra natal.
En este rompecabezas de arte, dejando de lado la famosa serie Leda and the Swan (pinturas de 1958/1960 expuestas tanto en la Art Gallery of Western Australia en Perth, como en Edimburgo en la Scottish national Gallery of Modern Art), hemos recopilado algunas de sus pinturas de éxito mundial dedicadas a Ned Kelly, el heroico Robin Hood australiano (1946, en Melbourne, Reed coll.).
L’artista Sidney Robert Nolan nasce in Australia, a Melbourne, nel 1917 e si forma alla National gallery school di Melbourne per poi trasferirsi a Londra. Fu tra i fondatori della Contemporary art society (1938) e tra i primi esponenti dell’arte australiana noti sulla scena internazionale (premiato, tra l’altro, alla Biennale di Venezia del 1954).
La sua pittura presenta forti suggestioni surreali e accenti naïf, ma ha attratto la nostra attenzione per via dei soggetti che ha amato rappresentare, non solo paesaggi, ma soprattutto miti della sua terra nativa.
In questo art puzzle, lasciando a parte la famosa serie Leda e il Cigno (1958/1960 quadri esposti sia all’Art Gallery of Western Australia di Perth, sia a Edimburgo alla Scottish national Gallery of Modern Art), abbiamo raccolto alcuni dei suoi dipinti di successo mondiale dedicati a Ned Kelly, l’eroico Robin Hood australiano (1946, a Melbourne, coll. Reed).